Liturgical Calendar | August 06

August 2006

Lectionary Cycle

  • Sunday — Year B
  • Weekday — Cycle II
  • Weekdays of Ordinary Time IV [16–20]
  • Weekdays of Ordinary Time V [21–25]
August 2006 — Liturgical Calendar
TuesdaySt Alphonsus Liguori, bishop, doctor of the Churchmemorial
WednesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop;
St Peter Julian Eymard, priest, religious founder
ThursdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Germanus of Auxerre, bishop (in Wales)
FridaySt John Vianney, priestmemorial
SaturdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major
SundayThe Transfiguration of the Lordfeast (Week 2)
MondayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Sixtus II, pope, martyr, and his Companions, martyrs;
St Cajetan, priest, religious founder
TuesdaySt Dominic, priestmemorial
WednesdaySt Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), virgin, martyr, patron of Europefeast (in Europe)
Thursday10St Lawrence, deacon, martyrfeast
Friday11St Clare, virgin,memorial
Saturday12Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Jane Frances de Chantal
Sunday1319th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek 3
Monday14St Maximilian Maria Kolbe, priest, martyrmemorial
Tuesday15The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Marysolemnity
Wednesday16Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Stephen of Hungary
Thursday17Weekday of Ordinary Time
Friday18Weekday of Ordinary Time
Saturday19Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St John Eudes, priest
Sunday2020th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek 4
Monday21St Pius X, popememorial
Tuesday22The Queenship of the Virgin Marymemorial
Wednesday23Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Rose of Lima, virgin
Thursday24St Bartholomew, apostlefeast
Friday25Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Louis;
St Joseph Calasanz, priest
Saturday26Weekday of Ordinary Time or
B. Dominic of the Mother of God Barberi, priest (in England);
St David Lewis, priest, martyr (in Wales)
Sunday2721st Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek 1
Monday28St Augustine, bishop, doctor of the Churchmemorial
Tuesday29The Beheading of St John the Baptist, martyrmemorial
Wednesday30Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Ss Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line and Margaret Ward, martyrs (in England)
Thursday31Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Aidan, bishop, and Saints of Lindisfarne (in England)