Liturgical Calendar | May 07

May 2007

Lectionary Cycle

  • Sunday — Year C
  • Weekday — Cycle I
May 2007 — Liturgical Calendar
TuesdayWeekday of Easter or
St Joseph the Worker
WednesdaySt Athanasius, bishop, doctor of the Churchmemorial
ThursdaySs Philip and James, apostlesfeast
FridayThe English Martyrs (in England)memorial
SaturdayWeekday of Easter or
St Asaph, bishop (in Wales)
Sunday5th Sunday of Easter
MondayWeekday of Easter
TuesdayWeekday of Easter
WednesdayWeekday of Easter
Thursday10Weekday of Easter
Friday11Weekday of Easter
Saturday12Weekday of Easter or
Ss Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs;
St Pancras, martyr
Sunday136th Sunday of Easter
Monday14St Matthias, apostlefeast
Tuesday15Weekday of Easter
Wednesday16Weekday of Easter
Thursday17Weekday of Easter
Friday18Weekday of Easter or
St John I, pope, martyr
Saturday19Weekday of Easter or
St Dunstan, bishop (in England)
Sunday20Ascension of the Lordsolemnity
Monday21Weekday of Easter or
Ss Christopher of Magallanes and his companions, martyrs, priest,
Tuesday22Weekday of Easter or
St Rita of Cascia, religious
Wednesday23Weekday of Easter
Thursday24Weekday of Easter
Friday25St Bede the Venerable, priest, doctor of the Church (memorial —in England);
Weekday of Easter or
St Gregory VII, pope;
St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin
Saturday26St Philip Neri, priestmemorial
Sunday27Pentecost Sunday
Monday28Weekday of Ordinary Time [8]Week IV
Tuesday29Weekday of Ordinary Time
Wednesday30Weekday of Ordinary Time
Thursday31The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Maryfeast