Liturgical Calendar | September 08

September 2008

Lectionary Cycle

  • Sunday — Year A
  • Weekday — Cycle II
  • Weekdays of Ordinary Time V [21–25]
September 2008 — Liturgical Calendar
MondayWeekday of Ordinary Time
TuesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time
WednesdaySt Gregory the Great, pope, doctor of the Churchmemorial
ThursdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Cuthbert, bishop (in England)
FridayWeekday of Ordinary Time
SaturdayWeekday of Ordinary Time
Sunday23rd Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek III
MondayThe Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Maryfeast
TuesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Peter Claver, priest
Wednesday10Weekday of Ordinary Time
Thursday11Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Deiniol, bishop (in Wales)
Friday12Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Most Holy Name of Mary
Saturday13St John Chrysostom, bishop, doctor of the Churchmemorial
Sunday14The Triumph of the Holy Crossfeast
Week IV
Monday15Our Lady of Sorrows (week 24)memorial
Tuesday16Ss Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop, martyrsmemorial
Wednesday17Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Robert Bellarmine, bishop, doctor of the Church
Thursday18Weekday of Ordinary Time
Friday19Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Januarius, bishop, martyr;
St Theodore of Canterbury, bishop (in England)
Saturday20Ss Andrew Kim Taegon, priest, martyr, Paul Chong Hasang, catechist, martyr, and their Companions, martyrsmemorial
Sunday2125th Sunday of OrdinaryWeek I
Monday22Weekday of Ordinary Time
Tuesday23St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)memorial
Wednesday24Our Lady of Walsingham  (in England)memorial
Thursday25Weekday of Ordinary Time
Friday26Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Ss Cosmas and Damian, martyrs
Saturday27St Vincent de Paul, priestmemorial
Sunday2826th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek II
Monday29Ss Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangelsfeast
Tuesday30St Jerome, priest, doctor of the Churchmemorial