August 2009 — Liturgical CalendarDayDateCelebrationRankDayDateCelebrationRankSaturday1St Alphonsus Liguori, bishop, doctor of the ChurchmemorialSunday218th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek IIMonday3Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Germanus of Auxerre, bishop (in Wales)Tuesday4St John Vianney, priestmemorialWednesday5Weekday of Ordinary Time or
The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary MajorThursday6The Transfiguration of the LordfeastFriday7Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Sixtus II, pope, martyr, and his Companions, martyrs;
St Cajetan, priest, religious founderSaturday8St Dominic, priestmemorialSunday919th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek IIIMonday10St Lawrence, deacon, martyrfeastTuesday11
St Clare, virgin
memorialWednesday12Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Jane Frances de ChantalThursday13Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Ss Pontian, pope, and Hippolytus, priest, martyrsFriday14St Maximilian Maria Kolbe, priest, martyrmemorialSaturday15Weekday of Ordinary TimeSunday16The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MarysolemnityMonday17Weekday of Ordinary Time (week 20)Week IVTuesday18Weekday of Ordinary TimeWednesday19Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St John Eudes, priestThursday20St Bernard, abbot, doctor of the ChurchmemorialFriday21St Pius X, popememorialSaturday22The Queenship of the Virgin MarymemorialSunday2321st Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek IMonday24St Bartholomew, apostlefeastTuesday25Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Louis;
St Joseph Calasanz, priestWednesday26Weekday of Ordinary Time or
B. Dominic of the Mother of God Barberi, priest (in England);
St David Lewis, priest, martyr (in Wales)Thursday27St MonicamemorialFriday28St Augustine, bishop, doctor of the ChurchmemorialSaturday29The Beheading of St John the Baptist, martyrmemorialSunday3022nd Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek IIMonday31Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Aidan, bishop, and Saints of Lindisfarne (in England)