Liturgical Calendar | September 09

September 2009

Lectionary Cycle

  • Sunday — Year B
  • Weekday — Cycle I
  • Weekdays of Ordinary Time V [21–25]
September 2009 — Liturgical Calendar
TuesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time
WednesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time
ThursdaySt Gregory the Great, pope, doctor of the Churchmemorial
FridayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Cuthbert, bishop (in England)
SaturdayWeekday of Ordinary Time
Sunday23rd Sunday of Ordinary Timeweek III
MondayWeekday of Ordinary Time
TuesdayThe Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Maryfeast
WednesdayWeekday of Ordinary Time or
St Peter Claver, priest
Thursday10Weekday of Ordinary Time
Friday11Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Deiniol, bishop (in Wales)
Saturday12Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Most Holy Name of Mary
Sunday1324th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek IV
Monday14The Triumph of the Holy Crossfeast
Tuesday15Our Lady of Sorrowsmemorial
Wednesday16Ss Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop, martyrsmemorial
Thursday17Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Robert Bellarmine, bishop, doctor of the Church
Friday18Weekday of Ordinary Time
Saturday19Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Januarius, bishop, martyr;
St Theodore of Canterbury, bishop (in England)
Sunday2025th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek I
Monday21St Matthew, apostle, evangelistfeast
Tuesday22Weekday of Ordinary Time
Wednesday23St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)memorial
Thursday24Our Lady of Walsingham (in England)memorial
Friday25Weekday of Ordinary Time
Saturday26Weekday of Ordinary Time or
Ss Cosmas and Damian, martyrs
Sunday2726th Sunday of Ordinary TimeWeek II
Monday28Weekday of Ordinary Time or
St Wenceslaus, martyr;
Ss Lawrence Ruiz, and his Companions, martyrs
Tuesday29Ss Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangelsfeast
Wednesday30St Jerome, priest, doctor of the Churchmemorial