Wednesday1Weekday of AdventThursday2Weekday of AdventFriday3St Francis Xavier, PriestmemorialSaturday4Weekday of Advent,
St John Damascene, Priest, Doctor of the ChurchSunday52nd Sunday of AdventWeek IIMonday6Weekday of Advent,
St Nicholas, BishopTuesday7St Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor of the ChurchmemorialWednesday8The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin MarysolemnityThursday9Weekday of Advent,
St Juan Diego CuahtlatoatzinFriday10Weekday of Advent,
St John Roberts, Priest, Martyr (in Wales)Saturday11Weekday of Advent,
St Damasus I, PopeSunday123rd Sunday of AdventWeek IIIMonday13St Lucy, Virgin, MartyrmemorialTuesday14St John of the Cross, Priest, Doctor of the ChurchmemorialWednesday15Weekday of AdventThursday16Weekday of AdventFriday17Weekday of AdventSaturday18Weekday of AdventSunday194th Sunday of AdventWeek IVMonday20Weekday of AdventTuesday21Weekday of Advent,
St Peter Canisius, Priest, Doctor of the ChurchWednesday22Weekday of AdventThursday23Weekday of Advent,
St John of Kanty, PriestFriday24Weekday of AdventSaturday25The Nativity of the LordsolemnitySunday26The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and JosephfeastMonday27St John, Apostle, EvangelistfeastTuesday28The Holy Innocents, MartyrsfeastWednesday29
5th day of Christmas Octave,
St Thomas à Becket, Bishop, Martyr
feastThursday306th day of Christmas OctaveFriday317th day of Christmas Octave,
St Sylvester I, Pope