Liturgical Calendar | November 2016

November 2016

Lectionary Cycle

  • Sunday — Year C
  • Weekday — Cycle II
  • Weekdays in Ordinary Time VI [26–30]
  • Weekdays in Ordinary Time VII [31–34]
  • Weekdays of Advent
November 2016 — Liturgical Calendar
TuesdayAll Saintssolemnity
WednesdayThe Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
ThursdayWeekday in Ordinary Time
or St Martin de Porres, Religious;
St Winefride, Virgin (EW)
FridaySt Charles Borromeo, Bishopmemorial
SaturdayWeekday in Ordinary Time
Sunday32nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeWeek IV
MondayWeekday in Ordinary Time
or St Willibrord, Bishop
TuesdayWeekday in Ordinary Time (E);
All Saints of Wales (W)
feast (W)
WednesdayThe Dedication of the Lateran Basilicafeast
Thursday10St Leo the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
Friday11St Martin of Tours, Bishopmemorial
Saturday12St Josaphat, Bishop, Martyrmemorial
Sunday1333rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeWeek I
Monday14Weekday in Ordinary Time
or St Dyfrig, Bishop (W)
Tuesday15Weekday in Ordinary Time
or St Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
Wednesday16Weekday in Ordinary Time
or St Margaret of Scotland; St Gertrude, Virgin;
St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop (E)
Thursday17St Elizabeth of Hungary, married woman, Religious (mem l(W));
St Hilda, abbess (E); St Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop (E)
Friday18Weekday in Ordinary Time
or The Dedication of the Basilicas of the Ss Peter and Paul, Apostles
Saturday19Weekday in Ordinary Time
Sunday20Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the UniverseWeek II
Monday21The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Marymemorial
Tuesday22St Cecilia, Virgin, Martyrmemorial
Wednesday23Weekday in Ordinary Time
or St Clement I, Pope, Martyr;
St Columban, abbot, missionary
Thursday24Ss Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrsmemorial
Friday25Weekday in Ordinary Time
or St Catherine of Alexandria
Saturday26Weekday in Ordinary Time
Sunday271st Sunday of AdventWeek I
Monday28Weekday of Advent
Tuesday29Weekday of Advent
Wednesday30St Andrew, Apostle, patron of Scotlandfeast