Cycle of Prayer | Advent-Christmas

Openness to the Word of God

especially on 2nd Sunday of Advent


In many denominations this Sunday is known as Bible Sunday. This originates from the Collect for this Sunday in the Book of Common Prayer:

Blessed Lord,
who caused all holy Scriptures
to be written for our learning:
help us so to hear them,
to read, mark, learn,
and inwardly digest them,
that, through patience,
and the comfort of your holy word,
we may embrace and for ever hold fast
the hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us
in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Advent is a time when the Church ‘re-reads and re-lives the great events in salvation history in the ‘”today” of her liturgy’. [CCC 1095]


All-wise God,
as you have granted us
to drink with delight
from the Word
that leads us to know you,
in your goodness grant us also
to come at length to you,
source of all wisdom,
and stand for ever before your face.

based on a prayer of the Venerable Bede

Prayer of the Faithful

one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs

  • For our openness to the Word,
    so that we may hear God speaking to us each day.
  • For all called to proclaim the word
    that they may communicate God’s message to all.

Mass Texts

may be used when permitted – see Table of Rubrics

  • For the Spread of the Gospel

Opportunities and Challenges

  • Advent might be a good time to Scripture Reflection group perhaps looking at the gospel for the coming liturgical year.
  • Why not include the references for next Sunday’s readings in the bulletin.
  • The presentation of a Bible or Gospel can be part of a process of Sacramental preparation (RCIA, Confirmation, Marriage). Consider how best to help people to use the scriptures for reflection and prayer.


Migrants and Refugees

especially on 3 December.


On December 3rd the Church commemorates St Francis Xavier. This is the day chosen by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to mark World Migration Day. Each year there is a message from the Holy Father reflecting on the ‘signs of the times’.

Asylum seekers and refugees — I wish to underline how the tendency is to stop at the question of their arrival while disregarding the reasons for which they left their native land. [Benedict XVI – Message for World Migration day 2005]


Lord, no one is a stranger to you
and no one is ever
far from your loving care.
In your kindness watch over
refugees and exiles,
those separated from their loved ones,
young people who are lost,
and those who have left
or run away from home.
Bring them back safely
to the place where they long to be
and help us always
to show your kindness
to strangers and those in need.

Roman Missal: For Refugees and Exiles

Prayer of the Faithful

one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs

  • For our society,
    may it always welcome the stranger.
  • For those countries from which asylum seekers and refugees have fled,
    may all work together for peace and justice.

Mass Texts

may be used when permitted – see Table of Rubrics

  • For Refugees and Exiles

Opportunities and Challenges
