Liturgical Calendar | Cycle of Prayer

Cycle of Prayer


The Cycle of Prayer seeks to preserve the integrity of the Sunday liturgy, without losing sight of the importance of being united with the universal or local Church in praying and working for important intentions. It seeks to do this be encouraging the faithful to pray for the intentions set out in the Cycle in their personal prayers throughout the period specified, and not only at Mass on a particular day.

The Cycle of Prayer is based on a division of the year into six periods, three of these being the principal liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas; Lent and Easter and the other three periods being divisions of Ordinary Time, namely Winter, Summer and Autumn.

Each of these six periods is allocated its proper series of intentions for prayer, which may be taken up by both individuals and parishes and other groups throughout the season. Further details for each intention can be found on the pages for each season which can be accessed below.

Cycle of Prayer

Advent – Christmas

Openness to the Word of God
especially on Bible Sunday (2nd Sunday of Advent)
Migrants and Refugees
especially on Migrant’s Day (3 December)
Expectant Mothers
especially on 4th Sunday of Advent

Ordinary Time: Winter

Peace on Earth
especially on the Day of Prayer for Peace (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and (from 2016) Racial Justice Day (3 Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Christian Unity
especially during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18–25 January)
Victims of Human Trafficking
especially on St Josephine Bakhita (8 February)
The Sick and those who care for them
especially on World Day for the Sick (11 February)
The Unemployed
especially on the Day of Prayer for the Unemployed (1 Sunday before the 1st Sunday of Lent)


Candidates for the Sacraments
especially on the Sundays of Lent
The Needy and Hungry of the World
especially on Lent Fast Day (Friday after 1st Sunday of Lent)
Women’s World Day of Prayer
(1st Friday in March)
Survivors of Sexual Abuse
especially on Friday of 5th Week of Lent
Penitents and Wanderers


New Members of the Church
especially on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations (4th Sunday of Easter)
Human Work
especially on St Joseph the Worker (1 May)
The Right Use of the Media
especially on World Communications Day (7th Sunday of Easter)
The Church
especially on Pentecost Sunday

Ordinary Time: Summer

A Deeper Understanding between Christians and Jews
Those who suffer Persecution, Oppression, and Denial of Human Rights
especially on St John Fisher and St Thomas More (22 June)
especially of the feasts of St Benedict (11 July), St Bridget of Sweden (23 July), St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (9 August) who with St Cyril and St Methodius (14 February), and St Catherine of Siena (29 April) are Patrons of Europe
Human Life
especially on the Day for Life (3rd Sunday in June)
especially on Sea Sunday (2nd Sunday in July)

Ordinary Time: Autumn

The Harvest, the Fruits of Human of Work, and the Reverent Use of Creation
especially on World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September) and on last Sunday in September or whenever Harvest Festivals are held
Students and Teachers
especially on the Education Day (2nd Sunday in September)
The Spread of the Gospel
especially on Evangelii Gaudium Day (3rd Sunday in September) & on World Mission Day (penultimate Sunday in October)
Justice and Peace in the world
especially on Harvest Fast Day (1st Friday in October)
Prisoners and their Families
especially on the Day of Prayer for Prisoners and their Dependants (2nd Sunday in October) and during Prisons Week (2nd week in October)
All Victims of War
especially on Remembrance Sunday (2nd Sunday in November)
Young People
especially on Youth Day (Christ the King)