Liturgical Calendar | Holydays of Obligation

Holydays of Obligation

England and Wales

With effect from the 1st Sunday of Advent 2017, two holydays of obligation are being reinstated. This decision was made by the Bishops of England and Wales, and has been confirmed by the Holy See. The days are:

  • The Epiphany of the Lord — 6 January (transferred to the adjacent Sunday when it falls on Saturday or Monday)
  • The Ascension of the Lord — Thursday after 6th Sunday of Easter


Summary Information

From the 1st Sunday of Advent 2017 the Holydays of Obligations for England and Wales changed. They are:

* According to a decision of the Bishops’ Conference (1984) Holydays which fall on Saturday or Monday are transferred to the Sunday.

Since 2006 the following celebration is transferred to Sunday:

Summary Table of Liturgical Dates
Lectionary (Sunday/Weekday)A/IB/IIC/1A/IIB/IC/II
First Sunday of Advent27 November 20223 December 20231 December 202430 November 202529 November 202628 November 2027
Nativity of the Lord25 December25 December25 December25 December25 December25 December
Epiphany6 January7 January5 January6 January6 January6 January
Ash Wednesday22 February14 February5 March18 February10 February1 March
Easter Sunday9 April31 March20 April5 April28 March16 April
Ascension18 May9 May29 May14 May6 May25 May
Pentecost28 May19 May8 June24 May16 May4 June
The Body and Blood of the Lord11 June2 June22 June7 June30 May18 June
St Peter & St Paul29 June30 June29 June28 June29 June29 June
Assumption15 August15 August15 August16 August15 August15 August
All Saints1 November1 November2 November1 November31 October1 November
First Sunday of Advent3 December1 December30 November29 November28 November3 December