Date | Celebration | Rank |
St Francis Xavier, Priest | memorial | |
St John Damascene, Priest, Doctor of the Church | ||
St Nicholas, Bishop | ||
St Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor of the Church | memorial | |
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary | solemnity | |
St John Diego Cuahtlatoatzin | ||
10 | Our Lady of Loreto St John Roberts, Martyr | (W) |
11 | St Damasus I, Pope | |
12 | Our Lady of Guadalupe | |
13 | St Lucy, Virgin, Martyr | memorial |
14 | St John of the Cross, Priest, Doctor of the Church | memorial |
21 | St Peter Canisius, Priest, Doctor of the Church | |
23 | St John of Kanty, Priest | |
25 | The Nativity of the Lord | solemnity |
26 | St Stephen, the first Martyr | feast |
27 | St John, Apostle, Evangelist | feast |
28 | The Holy Innocents, Martyrs | feast |
29 | St Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr | (feast E) |
31 | St Sylvester I, Pope | |
Date | Celebration | Rank |
optional memorial
Since the Middle Ages veneration for the Holy House of Loreto has been the origin of that particular shrine which still today is visited by many faithful pilgrims in order to nourish their faith in the Word of God made flesh for us.
In the Holy House, before the image of the Mother of the Redeemer and of the Church, Saints and Blesseds have responded to their vocation, the sick have invoked consolation in suffering, the people of God have begun to praise and plead with Mary using the Litany of Loreto, which is known throughout the world. In a particular way all those who travel via aircraft have found in her their heavenly patron.
In light of this, Pope Francis has decreed, by his own authority, that the optional memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto should be inscribed in the Roman Calendar on 10 December, the day on which the feast falls in Loreto, and celebrated every year. This celebration will help all people, especially families, youth and religious to imitate the virtues of that perfect disciple of the Gospel, the Virgin Mother, who, in conceiving the Head of the Church also accepted us as her own.
Reading 1 | Isaiah 7:10–14 [II:1428] | The maiden is with child. |
Psalm | Luke 1: 46–47. 58–49. 50–51. 52–53. 54–55. [II: 1434] | Blessed is the Virgin Mary who bore the Son of the eternal father. |
Gospel Acclamation | cf. Luke 28 [II:1443] | Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women. |
Gospel | Luke 1: 26–38 [II:1443] | You are to conceive and bear a Son. |
The feast of St Stephen, who was martyred in Jerusalem about 35, has been celebrated on this day since the fourth century. A Greek-speaking Jew, Stephen was one of seven appointed by the apostles for special service (diakonia). He died confessing Christ and seeking divine mercy for those who were stoning him. Named in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I), he is remembered for preaching with wisdom and the Spirit (Acts 6:10), as one ‘full of grace and power’ who ‘did great wonders and signs among the people’ (Acts 6:8).
Reading 1 | Acts 6:8–10; 7:54–59 | I can see heaven thrown open. |
Psalm | Ps 30: 3–4. 6. 7. 16–17 r. 6 | Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 117:26–27 | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; |
Gospel | Matthew 10:17–22 | It is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you. |
St John was a first-century Galilean fisherman, son of Zebedee, who, with his brother James, left their nets to follow Jesus. With Peter, these ‘sons of thunder’ form an inner group among the twelve, and John is probably the ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’ of the Fourth Gospel. According to ancient tradition, he is the author of this Gospel and also of three letters and the book of Revelation. He is remembered for his contemplative reflection on the life and death of Jesus and for his emphasis on Christian love.
Reading 1 | 1 John 1:1–4 | What we have seen and heard from the beginning. |
Psalm | Ps 96: 1–2. 5–6. 11–12 r. 12 | Rejoice, you just, in the Lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | [Te Deum] | We praise you, O God, we acknowledge you to be the Lord. The glorious company of the apostles praise you, O Lord. |
Gospel | John 20: 2–8 | The other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first. |
In an attempt to kill the child Jesus, Herod ordered the massacre of all male children, two years old and under, in and around Bethlehem. The Holy Innocents have been honoured as martyrs for Christ since the fourth century and their feast has been celebrated on this day since the sixth century. In remembering them, the Church laments the suffering and death of children everywhere and honours all who die in innocence.
Reading 1 | 1 John 1:5 – 2:2 | The blood of Jesus Christ purifies us from all sin. |
Psalm | Ps 123: 2–5. 7–8 r.7 | Our life, like bird, has escaped from the snare of the fowler. |
Gospel Acclamation | [Te Deum] | We praise you, O God, we acknowledge you to be the Lord. The noble army of martyrs praise you, O Lord. |
Gospel | Matthew 2:13–18 | In Bethlehem Herod had all the male children killed. |