Liturgy Office | Proper of Saints: January


Proper of Saints

January — Sanctoral Calendar
Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Octave of the Nativity)solemnity
St Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors of the Churchmemorial
Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Epiphany of the Lordsolemnity
St Raymond of Peñafort, Priest
12St Aelred of Rievaulx, abbot
13St Hilary, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
17St Anthony, abbotmemorial
19St Wulstan, bishop
20St Fabian, Pope, Martyr, St Sebastian, Martyr
21St Agnes, Virgin, Martyrmemorial
22St Vincent, Deacon, Martyr
24St Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
25The Conversion of St Paul, Apostlefeast
26Ss Timothy and Titus, Bishopsmemorial
27St Angela Merici, Virgin
28St Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
31St John Bosco, Priest,memorial
The Baptism of the Lord (Sunday after 6 January)feast