Liturgical Calendar | Universal Calendar – November


Universal Calendar

  • If no rank is given the celebration is an Optional Memorial.
  • The Universal Calendar can be superseded by Regional, National & Diocesan Calendars
November — Universal Calendar
All Saintssolemnity
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
St Martin de Porres, Religious
St Charles Borromeo, Bishopmemorial
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilicafeast
10St Leo the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
11St Martin of Tours, Bishopmemorial
12St Josaphat, Bishop, Martyrmemorial
15St Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
16St Margaret of Scotland;
St Gertrude, Virgin
17St Elizabeth of Hungary, married woman, Religious
18The Dedication of the Basilicas of the Ss Peter and Paul, Apostles
21The Presentation of the Virgin Marymemorial
22St Cecilia, Virgin, Martyrmemorial
23St Clement I, Pope, Martyr;
St Columban, abbot, missionary
24Ss Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrsmemorial
25St Catherine of Alexandria
30St Andrew, Apostlefeast
Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe (Last Sunday in Ordinary Time)solemnity