Liturgical Calendar | Universal Calendar – October


Universal Calendar

  • If no rank is given the celebration is an Optional Memorial.
  • The Universal Calendar can be superseded by Regional, National & Diocesan Calendars
October — Universal Calendar
St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
The Guardian Angelsmemorial
St Francis of Assisimemorial
St Faustina Kowalska, Virgin
St Bruno, Priest
Our Lady of the Rosarymemorial
Ss Denis, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs;
St John Leonardi, Priest
11St John XXIII, Pope
14St Callistus I, Pope, Martyr
15St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin, Doctor of the Churchmemorial
16St Hedwig, Religious;
St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
17St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyrmemorial
18St Luke, Evangelistfeast
19Ss John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs;
St Paul of the Cross, Priest
22St John Paul II, Pope
23St John of Capistrano, Priest
24St Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop
28Ss Simon and Jude, Apostlesfeast