Year A, B, C | ||
Reading 1 | Joel 2: 12–18 | Let your hearts be broken, not your garments torn. |
Psalm | Ps 50: 3-6. 12-14 17 r. 3 | Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned. |
Reading 2 | 2 Cor 5: 20-6:2 | Be reconciled to God… now is the favourable time. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 50: 12, 14 | A pure heart create for me, O God, and give me again the joy of your help. |
Ps 94: 8 | Harden not your hearts today, but listen to the voice of the Lord. | |
Gospel | Matt 6:1-6. 16-18 | Your Father, who sees all that is done in secret, will reward you. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Deuteronomy 30:15–20 | See, I set before you a blessing and a curse. |
Psalm | Ps 1:1-4.6 r. 39:5 | Happy the man who has placed his trust in the lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 50: 12. 14 | A pure heart create for me, O God and give me again the joy of your help. |
Mt 4:17 | Repent, says the Lord, for the kingdom is close at hand. | |
Gospel | Luke 9:22–25 | Anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 58:1-9 | Is not this the sort of fast that please me? |
Psalm | Ps 50:3-6. 18-19 r.19 | A humbled, contrite heart, O God, you will not spurn. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 129:5. 7 | My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word, because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. |
Amos 5:14 | Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and that the Lord God of hosts may really be with you. | |
Gospel | Matthew 9:14-15 | When the bridegroom is taken from them, then they will fast. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 58:9-14 | Your light will rise on the darkness. |
Psalm | Ps 85:1-6 r.11 | Show me, Lord, your way so that I may walk in your truth. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 94:8 | Harden not your hearts today, but listen to the voice of the Lord. |
Ez 33:11 | I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man—it is the Lord who speaks— but in the turning back of a wicked man who changes his ways to win life. | |
Gospel | Luke 5:27-32 | I have not come to call the virtuous, but sinners to repentance. |
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | Leviticus 19:1-2. 11-18 | You must not pass judgement on your neighbour according to justice. |
Psalm | Ps 18:8-10, 15 r. Jn 6:64 | Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ez 18:31 | Shake off all your sins — it is the Lord who speaks — and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. |
2 Cor 6:2 | Now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation. | |
Gospel | Matthew 25:31-46 | In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine you did it to me. |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 55:10-11 | My word shall succeed in what it was sent to do. |
Psalm | Ps 33:4-7. 16-19 r.18 | The Lord rescues the just in all their distress. |
Gospel Acclamation | Mt 4:4 | Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. |
Gospel | Matthew 6:7-15 | You should pray like this. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Jonah 3:1-10 | The people of Nineveh renounced their evil behaviour. |
Psalm | Ps 50:3-4. 12-13. 18-19 r. 19 | A humbled, contrite heart, O God, you will not spurn. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ez 33:11 | I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man—it is the Lord who speaks— but in the turning back of a wicked man who changes his ways to win life. |
Joel 2:12-13 | Now, now — it is the Lord who speaks — come back to me with all your heart, for I am all tenderness and compassion. | |
Gospel | Luke 11:29-32 | The only sign given to this generation is the sign of Jonah. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Esther 4:17 | I have no helper but you, Lord. |
Psalm | Ps 137:1-3. 7-8 r.3 | On the day I called, you answered me, O Lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | Joel 2:12-13 | Now, now — it is the Lord who speaks — come back to me with all your heart, for I am all tenderness and compassion. |
Ps 50:12, 14 | A pure heart create for me, O God, and give me again the joy of your help. | |
Gospel | Matthew 7:7-12 | The one who asks always receives. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Ezekiel 18:21-28 | Am I likely to take pleasure in the death of a wicked man and not prefer to see him renounce his wickedness and live. |
Psalm | Ps 129 r.3 | If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive. |
Gospel Acclamation | Amos 5:14 | Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and that the Lord God of hosts may really be with you. |
Ez 18:31 | Shake off all your sins — it is the Lord who speaks — and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. | |
Gospel | Matthew 5:20-26 | Go and be reconciled with your brother first. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Deuteronomy 26:16-19 | You will be a people consecrated to the Lord God. |
Psalm | Ps 118:1-2. 4-5. 7-8 r.1 | They are happy who follow God’s law! |
Gospel Acclamation | Lk 8:15 | Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. |
2 Cor 6:2 | Now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation. | |
Gospel | Matthew 5:43-48 | Be perfect as you heavenly Father is perfect. |
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | Daniel 9:4-10 | We have sinned, we have done wrong. |
Psalm | Ps 78:8-9. 11. 13 r.102:10 | Do not treat us according to our sins, O Lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | The seed is the word of God, Christ the sower, Whoever finds this seed will remain for ever. | |
Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. | |
Gospel | Luke 6:36-38 | Grant, pardon and you will be pardoned. |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 1:10. 16-20 | Learn to do good, search for justice. |
Psalm | Ps 49:8-9, 16-17. 21. 23 r.23 | I will show God’s salvation to the upright. |
Gospel Acclamation | Mt 4:17 | Repent, says the Lord, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. |
Ez 18:31 | Shake off all your sins — it is the Lord who speaks — and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. | |
Gospel | Matthew 23:1-12 | They do not practice what they preach. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Jeremiah 18:18-20 | Come on, let us hit at him. |
Psalm | Ps 30:5-6. 14-18 r.17 | Save me in your love, O Lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. |
Jn 8:12 | I am the light of the world, says the Lord; anyone who follows me will have the light of life. | |
Gospel | Matthew 20:17-28 | They will condemn him to death. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Jeremiah 17:5-10 | A curse on the man who puts his trust in man, a blessing on the man who puts his trust in the Lord. |
Psalm | Ps 1:1-4. 6. r. 39:5 | Happy the man who has placed his trust in the Lord. |
Gospel Acclamation | Lk 15:18 | I will leave this place and got to my father and say: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.’ |
Lk 8:15 | Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. | |
Gospel | Luke 16:19-31 | Good things came your way, just as bad things came the way of Lazarus. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Genesis 37:3-4. 12-13. 17-28 | Here comes the man of dreams. Come on, let us kill him. |
Psalm | Ps 104:16-21 r.5 | Remember the wonders the Lord has done. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 3:16 | God so loved the world so much that he gave his only Son; everyone who believes in him has eternal life. |
Gospel | Matthew 21:33-43. 45-46 | This is the heir. Come on, let us kill him. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Micah 7:14-15. 18-20 | Tread down your faults to the bottom of the sea. |
Psalm | Ps 102: 1-4. 9-12 r.8 | The Lord is compassion and love. |
Gospel Acclamation | Lk 15:18 | I will leave this place and got to my father and say: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.’ |
Gospel | Luke 15:1-3. 11-32 | Your brother here was dead and has come to life. |
Any Day [see note in side panel] | ||
Reading 1 | Exodus 17:1-7 | Water will flow from it for the people to drink. |
Psalm | Ps 94:1-2. 6-9 r.8 | O that today you would listen to his voice: ‘Harden not your hearts.’ |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 94:8 | Harden not your hearts today but listen to the voice of the Lord. |
Jn 4:42.15 | Lord, you are really the saviour of the world; give me the living water, so that I may never get thirsty. | |
Gospel | John 4:5-42 | A spring of water, welling up to eternal life. |
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | 2 Kings 5:1-15 | There were many lepers in Israel, but none of these was cured, except the Syrian, Naaman. |
Psalm | Ps 41:2-3; 42:3-4 r.41:3 | My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life; when can I enter and see the face of God? |
Gospel Acclamation | 2 Cor 6:2 | Now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation. |
Ps 129:5. 7 | My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word, because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. | |
Gospel | Luke 4:24-30 | Like Elijah and Elisha, Jesus is not sent to the Jews only. |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Daniel 3:25. 34-43 | May the contrite soul, the humbled spirit be acceptable to you. |
Psalm | Ps 24:4-9 r.6 | Remember your mercy, Lord |
Gospel Acclamation | Lk 8:15 | Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. |
Joel 2:12-13 | Now, now — it is the Lord who speaks — come back to me with all your heart, for I am all tenderness and compassion. | |
Gospel | Matthew 18:21-35 | Your Father will not forgive you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Deuteronomy 4:1. 5-9 | Take notice of the laws and observe them. |
Psalm | Ps 147:12-13. 15-16. 19-20 r.12 | O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. |
Jn 8:12 | I am the light of the world, says the Lord; anyone who follows me will have the light of life. | |
Gospel | Matthew 5:17-19 | The man who keeps these commandments and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Jeremiah 7:23-28 | Here is the nation that will not listen to the voice of the Lord its God. |
Psalm | Ps 94:1-2.6-9 r.8 | O that today you would listen to his voice! ‘Harden not your hearts.’ |
Gospel Acclamation | Ez 18:31 | Shake off all your sins — it is the Lord who speaks — and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. |
Joel 2:12-13 | Now, now — it is the Lord who speaks — come back to me with all your heart, for I am all tenderness and compassion. | |
Gospel | Luke 11:14-23 | He who is not with me is against me. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Hosea 14:2-10 | We will not say any more, ‘Our God’ to what our own hands have made. |
Psalm | Ps 80:6. 8-11. 17 r.9. 11 | I am the Lord your God; listen to my warning. |
Gospel Acclamation | The seed is the word of God, Christ the sower, Whoever finds this seed will remain for ever. | |
Mt 4:17 | Repent, says the Lord, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. | |
Gospel | Mark 12:28-34 | The Lord our God is the one Lord, and you must love him. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Hosea 5:15–6:6 | What I want is love, not sacrifice. |
Psalm | Ps 50:3-4. 18-21 r. Hos 6:6 | What I want is love, not sacrifice. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 94:8 | Harden not your hearts today but listen to the voice of the Lord. |
Gospel | Luke 18:9-14 | The tax collector went home again at rights with God; the Pharisee did not. |
Any Day [see note in side panel] | ||
Reading 1 | Micah 7:7-9 | Though I live in darkness, the Lord God is my light. |
Psalm | Ps 26 1. 7-9. 13-14 r.1 | The Lord is my light and my help. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 8:12 | I am the light of the world, says the Lord; anyone who follows me will have the light of life. |
Gospel | John 9:1-41 | He went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored. |
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 65:17-21 | No more will the sound of weeping or the sound of cries be heard. |
Psalm | Ps 29:2. 4-6. 11-13 | I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 129:5. 7 | My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word, because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. |
Amos 5:14 | Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and that the Lord God of hosts may really be with you. | |
Gospel | John 4: 43-54 | Go home, your son will live. |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Ezekiel 47:1-9.12 | I saw a stream of water coming from the Temple, bring life to all wherever it flowed. |
Psalm | Ps 45:2-3. 5-6.8-9 r.8 | The Lord of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our stronghold. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ps 50:12, 14 | A pure heart create for me, O God, and give me again the joy of your help. |
Gospel | John 5:1-3. 5-16 | The man was cured at once. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 49:8-15 | I have appointed you as covenant of the people to restore the land. |
Psalm | Ps 144:8-9. 13-14. 17-18 r.8 | The Lord is kind and full of compassion. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 3:16 | God so loved the world so much that he gave his only Son; everyone who believes in him has eternal life. |
Jn 11:25. 26 | I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will never die. | |
Gospel | John 5:17-30 | As the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son gives life to those he chooses. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Exodus 32:7-14 | Do not bring this disaster on your people. |
Psalm | Ps 105: 19-23 r.4 | O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. |
Jn 3:16 | God so loved the world so much that he gave his only Son; everyone who believes in him has eternal life. | |
Gospel | John 5:31-47 | You place your hope in Moses, and Moses will be our accuser. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Wisdom 2:1. 12-22 | Let us condemn him to a shameful death. |
Psalm | Ps 33:16.18. 19-21. 23 r.19 | The Lord is close to the broken hearted. |
Gospel Acclamation | Joel 2:12-13 | Now, now — it is the Lord who speaks — come back to me with all your heart, for I am all tenderness and compassion. |
Mt 4:4 | Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. | |
Gospel | John 7:1-2. 10.25-30 | They would have arrested him, but his time had not yet come. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Jeremiah 11:18-20 | I was like a trustful lamb being led to the slaughter-house |
Psalm | Ps 7:2-3. 9-12 r.2 | Lord God, I take refuge in you. |
Gospel Acclamation | Ez 33:11 | I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man—it is the Lord who speaks— but in the turning back of a wicked man who changes his ways to win life. |
Lk 8:15 | Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. | |
Gospel | John 7:40-52 | Would the Christ be from Galilee? |
Any Day [see note in side panel] | ||
Reading 1 | 2 Kings 4:18-21. 32-37 | As Elisha lowered himself on to him, the child’s flesh grew warm. |
Psalm | Ps 16:1. 6-8. 15 r.15 | I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 11:25. 26 | I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will never die. |
Gospel | John 11:1-45 | I am the resurrection and the life. |
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | Daniel 13:1-9. 15-17. 19-30. 33-62 | Have I to die, innocent as I am |
Psalm | Ps 22 r.4 | If I should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would I fear. |
Gospel Acclamation | 2 Cor 6:2 | Now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation. |
Ez 33:11 | I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man—it is the Lord who speaks— but in the turning back of a wicked man who changes his ways to win life. | |
Gospel | John 8:1-11 | If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. |
in Year C | John 8:12-20 | I am the light of the world. |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Numbers 21:4-9 | If anyone is bitten and looks at the fiery serpent, he shall live. |
Psalm | Ps 101: 2-3. 16-21 r.2 | O Lord, listen to my prayer and let my cry for help reach you. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 8:12 | I am the light of the world, says the Lord; anyone who follows me will have the light of life. |
The seed is the word of God, Christ the sower, Whoever finds this seed will remain for ever. | ||
Gospel | John 8:21-30 | When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Daniel 3:14-20. 24-25. 28 | He has sent his angel to rescue his servants. |
Psalm | Dan 3:52-56 r. 52 | To you glory and praise for evermore. |
Gospel Acclamation | Mt 4:4 | Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. |
Lk 8:15 | Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. | |
Gospel | John 8:31-42 | If the Son of Man makes you free, you will be free indeed. |
Thursday | ||
Reading 1 | Genesis 17:3-9 | You shall become the father of a multitude of nations. |
Psalm | Ps 104:4-9 r.8 | The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. |
Ps 94:8 | Harden not your hearts today but listen to the voice of the Lord. | |
Gospel | John 8:51-59 | Your father Abraham rejoiced to think that he would see my Day. |
Friday | ||
Reading 1 | Jeremiah 20:10-13 | The Lord is at my side, a mighty hero. |
Psalm | Ps 17: 2-7 | In my anguish I called to the Lord and he heard my voice, |
Gospel Acclamation | Mt 4:17 | Repent, says the Lord, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. |
Jn 6:63.68 | Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. | |
Gospel | John 10:31-42 | They wanted to arrest Jesus then, but he eluded them. |
Saturday | ||
Reading 1 | Ezekiel 37:21-28 | I will make them into one nation. |
Psalm | Jer 31:10-13 r.10 | The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock. |
Gospel Acclamation | Jn 3:16 | God so loved the world so much that he gave his only Son; everyone who believes in him has eternal life. |
Ez 18:31 | Shake off all your sins — it is the Lord who speaks — and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. | |
Gospel | John 11:45-56 | To gather together in unity the scattered children of God. |
Sixth Week of Lent
Monday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 42:1-7 | He does not cry out or shout aloud. |
Psalm | Ps 26: 1-3. 13-14 r.1 | The Lord is my light and my help. |
Gospel Acclamation | Hail to you, our King! You alone have had compassion on our sins, | |
Gospel | John 12:1-11 | Leave her alone; she had to keep this scent for the day of my burial, |
Tuesday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 49:1-6 | I will make you the light of the nations so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. |
Psalm | Ps 70:1-6.15. 17 r. 15 | My lips will tell of your help. |
Gospel Acclamation | Hail to you, our King! Obedient to the Father, you were led to your crucifixion as a meek lamb is led to the slaughter. | |
Gospel | John 13:21-33. 33-38 | One of you will betray me; before the cock crows, you will have disowned me three times. |
Wednesday | ||
Reading 1 | Isaiah 50:4-9 | I did not cover my face against insult and spittle. |
Psalm | Ps 68: 8-10. 21-22. 31. 33-34 r.14 | In your great love, O Lord, answer my prayer for your favour. |
Gospel Acclamation | Hail to you, our King! Obedient to the Father, you were led to your crucifixion as a meek lamb is led to the slaughter. | |
Hail to you, our King! You alone have had compassion on our sins, | ||
Gospel | Matthew 26:14-25 | The Son of Man is going to his fate, as the scriptures say he will, but alas for that man by whom he is betrayed. |