Sundays | Feasts of the Lord

Feasts of the Lord


In addition to these Feasts of the Lord in Ordinary Time there are two in the Christmas Season:

When a Feast of the Lord is celebrated on a Weekday there is only one reading before the Gospel which may be chosen from either the first or second reading.

The Presentation of the Lord

2 February

Mass of Feast
proper Preface
Reading 1Malachi 3:1–4The Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter his Temple.
PsalmPs 23:7–10 r. 8Who is the king of glory? It is the Lord
Reading 2Heb 2:14-18It was essential that he should in this way become completely like his brothers.
Gospel AcclamationLk 2:32The light to enlighten the Gentiles and give glory to Israel, your people.
GospelLk 2:22-40My eyes have seen your salvation.
shorterLk 2:22-32My eyes have seen your salvation.

The Transfiguration of the Lord

6 August

  • Replaces 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time when it falls on a Sunday.
of Feast
proper Preface
Reading 1Dan 7:9-10, 13-14His robe was white as snow.
PsalmPs 96: 1-2. 5-6. 9 r. 1.9The Lord is king, most high above all the earth.
Reading 22Pet 1:16–19We heard this ourselves, spoken from heaven.
Gospel AcclamationMt 17:5This is my Son, the Beloved, he enjoys my favour; listen to him.
Gospel Yr AMt 17:1-9His face shone like the sun.
Gospel Yr BMk 9:2-10This is my Son, the Beloved.
Gospel Yr CLk 9:28-36Moses and Elijah were talking about his death.

The Exaltation of the Cross

14 September

  • Replaces 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time when it falls on a Sunday.
of Feast
proper Preface or Preface of the Passion I
Reading 1Num 21:4-9If anyone was bitten by a serpent, he looked at the bronze serpent and lived.
PsalmPs 77:1-2. 34-38 r. 7Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
Reading 2Phil 2:6-11He humbled himself, therefore God raised him high.
Gospel AcclamationWe adore you, O Christ, and we bless you; because by your cross you have redeemed the world.
GospelJn 3:13-17The Son of Man must be lifted up.

The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

9 November

  • Replaces 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time when it falls on a Sunday.
of Feast
Preface of Dedication
Reading 1Ezek 47:1-2. 8-9. 12I saw a stream of water coming from the Temple, bringing life to all wherever it flowed.
PsalmPs 45:2-3.5-6. 8-9 r.5The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells.
Reading 21Cor 3:9-11. 16-17You are the temple of God
Gospel Acclamation2 Chron 7:16I have chosen and consecrated this house, says the Lord, for my name to be there for ever.
GospelJn 2:13-22He was speaking of the sanctuary that was his body.