This section offers material for dioceses and others to help plan formation for the General Instruction and Celebrating the Mass.
There are two areas: materials for planning and presenting sessions, and resources for addressing some of the issues raised by the General Instruction
Two sets of material are provided: ready-made PowerPoint presentations and a selection of Slide masters for use by those preparing presentations.
a link has been provided for suitable supporting handouts
different colour schemes
The following material is for use on formation days in small groups.
These handouts include the Pope John Paul’s liturgical ‘examination of conscience’ from Spiritus et Sponsa together with a couple of quotations from GIRM — participants are asked to identify the formation issues raised by the quotations.
Based on the Pope John Paul’s liturgical ‘examination of conscience’ from Spiritus et Sponsa this sheet expands each of the questions. It is intended to help identify formation issues.
A worksheet to help identify the level of formation needed.