Liturgy Office | Place of Silence

The Place of Silence

The Liturgy Committee of the Department for Christian Life and Worship has prepared a document on the Place of Silence in the liturgy. It examines the role of silence in the teaching of the Popes and in liturgical documents. The document centres on the celebration of Mass and goes through each part of the Mass and the relative opportunities it offers. It concludes with an overview of silence outside Mass: before the celebration, in other Sacraments and in prayer and devotion.

Further Resources

Bishop Alan Hopes, chairman of the Liturgy Committee, speaks about the importance of silence on the Bishops’ Conference website.

To assist Priests, parishes and liturgy preparation groups reflect on the place of silence in the liturgy some additional resources have been made available.

  • Principles of Silence (pdf) — Quotations from liturgical documents together with some key principles
  • Questions for Groups (pdf) — Discussion questions for groups who would like to study the document
  • Formation for Silence (pdf) — A suggested process for consideration when introducing liturgical silence.
  • Scripture and Silence (pdf) — A series of excerpts from scripture to help people discuss the meaning of silence.

In addition

Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen wrote one of his first pastoral letters on creating silence in churches