The bishops of England and Wales are aware that this is a significant change in the life of the Church here but they also see it as a time to deepen our understanding of and renew our faith in the Eucharist. For this reason they have asked that the text be introduced gradually and with accompanying catechesis.
The Order of Mass is the central body of the texts which are constant at every celebration of Mass. This includes the people’s responses and texts such as the Gloria and the Creed but also the Eucharistic Prayers.
The full text will be used from the First Sunday of Advent 2011. The Bishops have received the text of the Missal with the recognitio of the Holy See. Further texts which are to be included in the Missal and are proper to England and Wales, i.e. the National Propers, have now been received. The Missal will be published in October in plenty of time for parishes and communities to receive copies for Advent.
The Catholic Truth Society is publishing the Roman Missal for the Church in England and Wales and also for Australia and Scotland. They are preparing 3 editions: an large Altar edition, a medium-size Chapel edition and a smaller portable/desk-sized edition. As noted in the previous answer the full Missal will be published when the text is complete.
For the period (from September 2011) when the Order of Mass is introduced CTS will publish an extract from the Missal of the Order of Mass for use by priests. This is expected to be available from June.
Texts for the people to use will be available from a variety of publishers. Publications including just the Order of Mass should be available from June; those which include more than that (i.e. collects) will be available at the same time as the full publication of the Altar Missal.
This website will include information about the various publications. It will also offer the text in downloadable format for local printing.
The translation of the majority of texts sung by the people at Mass are changing, for example the Gloria and the Sanctus. It is recognised that one of the simplest ways of introducing the new translation is to sing it and composers are working on new settings or reworking current settings to adapt to the new words.
One of the key features of the new edition of the Roman Missal is the amount of music it contains which is there both for practical use and to remind us of the integral place of music in the liturgy. The chants of Missal are offered as a basic, foundational setting for every parish which can be sung at any Mass, Sunday or weekday. To facilitate their use this website will offer the chants in versions suitable for inclusion in service leaflets.
Other settings of the new translation may be published after Easter 2011 and the Department for Christian Life and Worship has permitted that they may be used from then. The Department has published guidance to Composers and set up a process of permission to publish which any setting of the liturgical texts published in England and Wales has to be submitted to.