The celebrations of Holy Week, Palm Sunday and the Paschal Triduum, stand at the heart of the Church’s year. The third edition of the Roman Missal offers a new translation of these liturgies which Priests and other ministers will need to prepare well so that they will be celebrated worthily.
A number of excerpts from the Missal are offered to assist good celebration. They are intended for printing and insertion in a worthy folder for use in the liturgy. Two of the excerpts are provided for use outside the church building on Palm Sunday and at the Easter Vigil. Also provided is the Exsultet, in both its longer and shorter forms, so that Deacons, Priests or cantors may prepare.
The third edition introduces a number of small changes to these liturgies. Above all the aim of these changes is to place an emphasis on the liturgies, where the various ministers are well prepared and the texts of the liturgy are sung. This is an opportunity for parishes to consider what is new but also review their current practice in the light of the Missal.
To assist parishes prepare for these liturgies a number of handouts have been prepared. They follow a similar pattern: an outline of the structure of the liturgy; a note of what is new, in general terms, for Priests, and for Deacons (one area of change is the greater reference to the role of the Deacon); ‘for consideration’ highlights a number of broader aspects of the celebration and finally there is a note about the music of these liturgies. In addition there is a general handout on the Triduum which gives the opening rubrics to the whole 3 days, which are new to this edition, together with some general notes.