Liturgy Office | Resources for Rite of Penance

Rite of Penance


In his apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte (2001), Pope John Paul wrote: ‘I am asking for renewed pastoral courage in ensuring that the day-to-day teaching of Christian communities persuasively and effectively presents the practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.’

This letter was followed by the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter Misericordia Dei (2002) in which the Holy Father urged the Church to undertake a vigorous revitalization of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Liturgy Office has produced a variety of resources to assist the Church in England and Wales respond to the encouragement offered by Pope John Paul. They are all available to be downloaded from the website without charge. They may be freely reproduced, so long as they are not made available for sale and the copyright details are not altered.


General Parish Resources

Season of Advent

  • Form 1
    • Guide for Adults preparing for the Sacrament
    • Guide for Children preparing for the Sacrament
    • Scripture cards
  • Form 2
  • Non Sacramental form
    Resources for family celebration
    A simple pattern for a non-sacramental family celebration of reconciliation.

Season of Lent

  • Form 1
    • Guide for Adults preparing for the Sacrament
    • Guide for Children preparing for the Sacrament
      These cards offer a guide to the first Form of the Rite, and include the basic texts and simple commentary.
    • Scripture cards
      Cards to assist penitents in using Scripture as part of their preparation for celebration of the Sacrament.
  • Form 2
    Resources for Lenten celebration — Guidance and resources, including a sample service for parish use.
  • Non Sacramental form
    Resources for family celebration
    A simple pattern for a non-sacramental family celebration of reconciliation.
