Liturgy Office | Roman Missal


Any setting of liturgical texts published in England and Wales has to be submitted to the Department prior to publication. Details of the Composer’s Guide and Process are available here

This page lists those settings which have been approved for publication in England and Wales. This page does not cover settings which are published outside England and Wales which will have usually gone through a similar process and may be distributed here. Settings are added once they have been published and copies received by the Liturgy Office. Publications are listed in alphabetical order.

Some texts in the Order of Mass are unchanged in the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal: Lord, have mercy, Lord’s Prayer and Lamb of God. Settings of these texts, where the words conformed to the current Missal (i.e. they have not been paraphrased, adapted or added to) do not require submission and may be used in the liturgy.

Settings will be added as they are published.


For each setting there is a brief description of Resources and Texts set. For clarity these are kept brief and consistent terms are used. For more details contact the publisher either through the given website or email address.

Penitential Act
A setting of, generally, the 3rd form of Penitential Act

A setting of ‘Lord, have mercy’, without invocations, in Greek or English

Eucharistic Acclamations
Settings of Holy, Holy, all 3 Memorial Acclamations and Amen. It may include a setting of the Doxology. All will include an indication of pitch for use of the Missal tones by the Priest.

[ ]
A setting outside the current remit of the permission process and so not considered.

Alan Smith

Mass of St Joseph
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Andrew Moore Music

The Winchester Mass
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Kyrie, Penitential Act 3, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Anne Darragh

Pennygate Mass
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Kyrie, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God.

Arundel Cathedral Publications

The Arundel Mass — Bruno Clifton OP
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Bear Music

Mass of St Gabriel — Martin Foster
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Penitential Act, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Nores Acclamations — Martin Foster
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Advent Lamb of God — Martin Foster
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Lamb of God

Christmas Lamb of God — Martin Foster
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard
Lamb of God

Triduum Antiphons
Congregation, Cantor , Priest, Choir
Behold the wood, Springs of Water

Boosey & Hawkes

Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman — James MacMillan
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Organ
Kyrie, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

St Anne’s Mass — James MacMillan
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Organ
Kyrie, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Chichester Music Press

Mass from Verbena — Neil Sands
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument
Penitential Act, Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Clifton Music

Gloria Tintinnabuli — Patrick Geary
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Glory to God

Tintinnabuli Acclamations — Patrick Geary
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

CJM Music

Mass of St Bernadette — Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Festive Mass— Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of the Holy Trinity — Andy Ross & Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

St Joseph the Worker Acclamations — Mike Stanley
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Jude — Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Luke — Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamations] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Concept Music

Bakhita Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Eldonian Gloria — Nick Baty
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument

Emerald Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Holy Family Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

New Assisi Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

Orbis Factor Gloria — Nick Baty
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Organ, Instruments

Orbis Factor Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Choir, Organ, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

Seanathair Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Clare Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Francis Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Mungo Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Warrington Acclamations — Nick Baty
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument
Eucharistic Acclamations

Warrington Gloria — Nick Baty
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments

Coriander Music

‘New Wine’ Mass — Philip Jakob
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Penitential Acts, Kyrie, Gloria, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God, Post-Communion Prayer

Decani Music

The Belmont Mass — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act 3, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Our Father, Lamb of God

A Brandon Mass — Stephen Dean,
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

A Chant Mass — John Ainslie
Congregation, Priest, optional Keyboard
Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lord’s Prayer, Lamb of God

In Pace Acclamations (Responsorial Acclamations for Funeral Masses)— Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
[Easter Alleluia, Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of Hope — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Glory to God (x 2), Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Andrew — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act 2, 4, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St David — Alan Rees
Congregation, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Gregory — Mark Elliott Smith
Congregation, CAntor, Choir, Keyboard
Kyrie, Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

The New Celtic Liturgy — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument
Penitential Act 3, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Our Father, Lamb of God

Pershore Mass — Alan Smith
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Simple Mass in honour of St Jeanne Jugan — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God (x 2), Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

A Sussex Mass — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God (x 2), Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Water of Life Mass — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
[Sprinkling Rite,] Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Glory to God: New music for the Mass — a collection

A Parish Mass — Peter Jones
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Belmont Mass — Christopher Walker (see above)

Mass of St Kenelm — Alan Smith
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Luke — Mike Stanley
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Penitential Act, Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Pershore Mass — Alan Smith
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Penitential Act, Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

A Sussex Mass — Stephen Dean (see above)

The Aston Eucharist — Peter Jones
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Brandon Acclamations — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Earlsbury Acclamations — Peter Jones
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

In Pace Acclamations — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Chad’s Acclamations — Peter Jones
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Instruments
Eucharistic Acclamations

Spring Sanctus — Martin Barry
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Clare Acclamations — Nick Baty (see above

Warrington Acclamations — Nick Baty (see above

Lord, have mercy — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard

Lord, have mercy — Alan Smith
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument

Glory to God — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Glory to God

Glory to God — David Saint
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Glory to God

Glory to God — Peter Roberts
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Glory to God

[Aston Gospel Acclamation — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Gospel Acclamation]

[Aston Lenten Gospel Acclamation — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Gospel Acclamation]

[Festal Gospel Acclamation — Alan Smith
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Gospel Acclamation]

[Gospel Greeting — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Gospel Acclamation]

[Resurrection Gospel Acclamation — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Gospel Acclamation]

[St Agatha Alleluia — Martin Barry
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Gospel Acclamation]

Aston Lamb of God — Peter Jones
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Lamb of God

In Pace Lamb of God — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Lamb of God

Lamb of God — Martin Barry
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instruments
Lamb of God

Lamb of God — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Lamb of God

St Joseph’s Lamb of God — Alan Smith
Congregation, Keyboard
Lamb of God

Laudate: Supplement — People’s edition & full music

Short Mass for Advent & Lent — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act/Kyrie, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

A Parish Mass — Peter Jones
Congregation, Keyboard
Penitential Act/Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of Creation — Marty Haugen
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act/Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

The New Celtic Liturgy — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act/Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of Hope — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Lamb of God

The Storrington Mass — Marty Haugen
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

The Pershore Mass — Alan Smith
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Glory to God — Anne Ward
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Glory to God

Coventry Gloria — Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Glory to God

Gloria for Cantor and Congregation — Francis Duffy
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Glory to God

Water of Life Gloria — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Keyboard
Glory to God

Mass of St Jeanne Jugan — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Choir, Guitar, Keyboard
Glory to God, Lamb of God

The Plymouth Mass — Paul Inwood
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument
Glory to God

The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Keyboard
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed

A Mass of Peace — Seóirse Bodley
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Mass of Hope — Bernadette Farrell
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Community Mass — Richard Proulx
Congregation, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

St Andrew’s Mass — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

The Revised Gathering Mass — Paul Inwood
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Coventry Acclamations — Paul Inwood
Congregation, Choir. Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

The German Mass — Franz Schubert arr. Richard Proulx
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Eucharistic Acclamations — John Lillis
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Celtic Mass — Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Lord’s Prayer

Mass of Thanksgiving — Stephen Dean
Congregation, Keyboard
Lamb of God

Lamb of God — Martin Foster
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Lamb of God

Devine Music

Mass of St Luke, Evangelist — Teresa Brown
Congregation, Priest,Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation, Bidding Prayer response], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Gregory the Great — Teresa Brown
Congregation, Priest, Deacon, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard, Instrument
Penitential Act, [Sprinkling of Water,] Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God, Dismissal

Edwin Fawcett

Mass of Blessed John Paul — Edwin Fawcett
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of the Incarnation — Edwin Fawcett
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard, Instruments
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Francesca Sayer

St Leonard’s Mass Setting — Francesca Sayer
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Frank Morgan Music and Publishing

Apostles’ Mass — James Allerton
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, Penitential Act, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Testament Mass — Fran Fitton and Nick Bennett
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Gordon Lawrence

Brockley Mass — Nicky Cox
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, Gloria, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Chilbolton Gloria — Nicky Cox
Congregation, Guitar, Keyboard

Durley Mass — Nicky Cox
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar, Keyboard
Kyrie, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Easton Gloria — Nicky Cox
Congregation, Guitar, Keyboard

Gracious Music Ministries

Mass of the Apostles — Anthony Menezes
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Guitar, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

High Peak Music

High Peak Mass — Andrew Elliott
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God


Lumen Christi Mass — Richard Jeffrey-Gray
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Guitar, Keyboard
Penitential Act, Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

John Wilkins

Mass of St Rita
Kyrie, Penitential Acts B & C, Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Lent Gospel Acclamation, Eucharistic Acclamations,Lamb of God

Keith Taylor

The Abbey Road Gloria
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar
Glory to God

Maltfriscan Music

The Mass of St Francis — Christian Fitzgerald
Congregation, Cantor, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Marie Yates

Queen of Peace Mass
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Gloria, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God


Celebration Hymnal for Everyone: Mass Settings Supplement — People’s Edition and Full Music

Psallite Mass – Collegeville Composers Group
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act/Kyrie, Gloria, Nicene Creed, Apostles’ Creed, Preparation of the Gifts (3 settings), Eucharistic Acclamations, Our Father, Agnus Dei (2 settings)

The New Celtic Liturgy – Christopher Walker
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Gathering Mass – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act

Mass of St Bernadette – Mike Stanley
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act

Sussex Mass – Stephen Dean
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act

The Coventry Gloria – Peter Jones
Congregation, Cantor/Choir, Keyboard

Gloria – Francis Duffy
Congregation, Keyboard

Mass of St Luke the Evangelist – Teresa Brown
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar

A New People’s Mass – Dom Gregory Murray
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard
Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations

Pershore Mass – Alan Smith
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard

Plymouth Mass – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument

Bakhita Acclamations – Nick Baty
Congregation, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Coventry Acclamations – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Gathering Mass – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Lenten Acclamations – Paul Wellicome
Congregation, Keyboard
Eucharistic Acclamations

Mass of Hope – Bernadette Farrell
Congregation, Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Mass of St Bernadette – Mike Stanley
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Millennium Mass – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Spring Sanctus Acclamations – Martin Barry
Congregation, Priest, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Shrewsbury Mass – Paul Inwood
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar
Lamb of God

Michaelis Music

Maria Assumpta Mass — Mike Donnelly
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Choir, Keyboard
Kyrie, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations

Mass of Joy — Mike Donnelly
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Choir, Keyboard
Kyrie, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations

Music for Mass

Mayfield Mass
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Keyboard, Instrument
Kyrie, Penitential Act 2, Penitential Act 3, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Orchard Publications

Mass ‘from Sparta’ — T E Muir
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Choir
Kyrie, Lord have mercy, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass from Phrygia — T E Muir
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Choir
Kyrie, Lord have mercy, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Vox Populi: A Congregational Mass — T E Muir
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Keyboard, Instruments
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Vox Populi: Gloria No. 2 — T E Muir
Congregation, Cantor, Priest, Keyboard, Instrument
Glory to God

Peter Burke

Gloria IV
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar

Leicester Eucharistic Acclamations
Congregation,Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations

Sanctus à Cinq
Congregation,Priest, Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Ammerdown Agnus
Congregation, Keyboard, Guitar, Instrument
Lamb of God

Peter Ollis

Kingship Mass
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
Penitential Act 3, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Monica
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
Lord, have mercy, Penitential Act 3, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Regina Mass
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Keyboard
Penitential Act 3, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Phillip Pennington Harris

Chaconne Mass
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Lord, have mercy, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Peter Mass
Congregation, SATB, Organ
Lord, have mercy, Gloria, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Robin Reid

Mass of Mercy
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Priest, Keyboard
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Our Father, Lamb of God

Robert Smith

The Egstow Gloria
Congregation, Cantor, Organ
Glory to God

Robin Sudlow

Mass of St Hugh
Congregation, Cantor, Priest,Keyboard, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Royal School of Church Music

The Dominican Mass — Philip Ledger
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Instrument
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Benedict — Margaret Rizza
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Instruments
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation,] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Mass of St Peter — Malcolm Archer
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

St Wilfrid’s Catholic School

Mass of St Wilfrid — St Wilfrid’s School Chapel Choir
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Guitar
Kyrie, Glory to God, [Alleluia, Lent Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Simon Hetherington

St Dominic’s Mass — Simon Hetherington
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lord’s Prayer, Lamb of God

Mass of Mission — Simon Hetherington
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard, Guitar
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, [Alleluia, Lent Gospel Acclamation] Eucharistic Acclamations, Lord’s Prayer, Lamb of God

Ursula K Brett

A New English Missa de Angelis —are. Ursula K Brett
Congregation, Cantor, Keyboard
Lord, have mercy, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Val Goldsack

Mass of St James — Val Goldsack
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Priest, Guitar
Lord, have mercy, Kyrie, Glory to God, [Gospel Acclamation], Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God

Wheatsheaf Music

Festal Gloria — C J Olding
Congregation, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, instrument
Glory to God

Five Tone Acclamations — C J Olding
Congregation, Cantor. Keyboard, Guitar
Eucharistic Acclamations 

The Freedom Liturgy — C J Olding
Congregation, Priest, Cantor, Choir, Keyboard, Guitar
Penitential Act, Glory to God, Eucharistic Acclamations, Lamb of God