One of the useful features of Liturgy Magazine, formerly published by the Liturgy Office was its book reviews. These provided an opportunity for readers to be kept alert to many of the books on liturgy and related subjects that were being published and the issues that were being discussed in them.
There has been some attempt to carry brief reviews in Liturgy’s successor the Liturgy Newsletter. However these have necessarily been very brief, and have been inadequate to their purpose.
In future it is intended to include in Liturgy Newsletter a list of significant books received, and to publish on the website reviews of these books. This will both allow a fuller range of material to be reviewed, by a wider range of reviewers, and for those reviewers to have space to adequately engage with the content and argument of the books concerned.
Readers of Liturgy Newsletter are always welcome to draw to the Editor’s attention any significant books that may have passed us by.
Fr Allen Morris
Editor, Liturgy Newsletter