At the Easter 2010 meeting of the Bishops’ Conference the bishops made a Statement on the abuse of children. They invited parishes in England and Wales to join in with them in offering prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for reparation and atonement:
Now, we believe, is a time for deep prayer of reparation and atonement. We invite Catholics in England and Wales to make the four Fridays in May 2010 special days of prayer. Even when we are lost for words, we can place ourselves in silent prayer. We invite Catholics on these days to come before the Blessed Sacrament in our parishes to pray to God for healing, forgiveness and a renewed dedication. We pray for all who have suffered abuse; for those who mishandled these matters and added to the suffering of those affected. From this prayer we do not exclude those who have committed these sins of abuse. They have a journey of repentance and atonement to make.
The prayer before the Blessed Sacrament offers a Gospel passage on the life and ministry of Jesus together with a psalm and a number of intercessions.
An adaptation of the Litany of the Sacred Heart is offered as a further prayer resource:
The format is based on Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In parishes where there is not a minister available it would be suitable to offer prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. It is not intended that Benediction be given as part of this liturgy. Other forms of prayer are suggested below.
An important element in the prayer are the times of silence. Though further texts or music could be added this should not be to the detriment of the silence.
Further Guidance on Exposition is provided under the resources for Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass
The following ministries are needed
There is singing at the beginning and at the end of the Liturgy. The Responsorial Psalm is chosen from those used on Sundays so that musicians will be able to identify settings.
As noted above further music could be added to the time of prayer but suitable space be given to times of silence.
Consideration might be given in the parish to how individuals who may be unable to come to church on the given Friday might participate in the prayer.
The abuse of children is a sensitive issue which has caused people suffering, distress and anger. Care may need to be taken to ensure that those who come these times of prayer can feel secure. It may be appropriate to include contact details for the diocesan Safeguarding team in any service booklet as well as any information on a noticeboard.