Liturgy Office | Resources for Confirmation

Order of Confirmation


A translation of the Order of Confirmation will be published in January 2016. This a new translation of 1st edition of the Latin Ordo Confirmationis and replaces the Rite of Confirmation first published in 1969. It will come into use at Easter 2016.

The Order of Confirmation will be:

  • published in January 2016
  • mandatory liturgical use from Easter (27 March) 2016
  • published by Catholic Truth Society

The Liturgy Office website will offer the following resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?
The Order of Confirmation is book for England and Wales which contains the liturgical texts (prayers and guidance) for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The book contains an Apostolic Constitution by Pope Paul VI which looks at the history and theology of the Sacrament and defines its essential form. The Introduction provides a guide to the celebration of the Sacrament. There are three main forms of the rite:

  • The Order for the Conferral of the Confirmation within Mass,
  • The Order for the Conferral of the Confirmation without Mass and
  • Confirmation to be administered to a sick person in danger of death.
When will it be published?
The Order of Confirmation will be published by the Catholic Truth Society in January 2016. [www.cts
When will it come into use?
The Order of Confirmation will be mandatory from Easter 2016. This means that the previous text may not be used from that point.
Why is a new translation needed?
Since the publication of guidelines on translation from the Holy See in 2002 there has been a need to review and retranslate all the liturgical books. The Roman Missal published in 2010 was the first fruit of this. The guidelines, Liturgiam Authenticam, require a translation that follows the original Latin text closely so that its full meaning can be appreciated. It is also an opportunity to see how the language and vocabulary of the prayers is connected with subsequently published texts such as the Catechism.
What is new?
Following the Second Vatican Council the first Latin edition of the Ordo Confirmationis was published in 1969 and the initial English translation published shortly afterwards. There has not been a second Latin edition of the rite so this is a new translation of the same Latin text. The contents of the rite are therefore the same. It should be noted that the previous edition has long been out of print and therefore people may not be familiar with the complete Order of Confirmation
Our Parish Confirmation is in February 2016 — How will it affect us?
The new translation does not come into use until Easter 2016 therefore the current (1969) translation will be used for the parish celebration of Confirmation.
Our Parish Confirmation is in April 2016 — How will it affect us?
The Order of Confirmation will be in use from Easter Sunday, 27 March 2016. Any confirmations in the Easter season (and after) will use the new translation.
We have Confirmations at the Easter Vigil what text will we use?
The new translation comes into use on Easter Sunday, liturgically this includes, indeed begins with the Easter Vigil.
Where can I find out more information?
The Liturgy Office website offers the following resources:

  • Texts and Excerpts from the Order of Confirmation
  • Resources to assist the preparation of the Confirmation liturgy