Liturgy Office | Celebrations of Word and Communion

Celebrations of Word and Communion

Ritual Book

revised 2013

In 1996 the Liturgy Office published a text for Celebrations of the Word and Communion (CWC)

This text has now been revised to incorporate texts from the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. It is available on the Liturgy Office website in PDF form. It may be freely downloaded below.

Such services should only be used in line with any diocesan guidelines which are in place.

The Bishops’ Conference retains the copyright on the text but it may now be freely photocopied and used in the liturgy and distributed at training days. Copies may not be sold without seeking permission from the Department for Christian Life and Worship, 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PL (tel. 020 7901 4850).

The pages are A4 size, suitable for insertion into a presentation folder which can be used as a worthy leader’s book during celebration of the liturgy.

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