- The Communion Procession — a guide (pdf)
- Directory for Masses with Children (pdf)
- Gluten Allergies/Alcohol Intolerance and the Bread and Wine used at Mass
- Liturgy of the Word with Children: Guidelines (pdf)
- The Place of Silence
- Prayer of the Faithful
- Roman Missal — a guide for composers (pdf)
- Singing the Mass
- Televising the Mass — Guidelines for Broadcast Worship (pdf)
- booklet (pdf)
- Guidelines for Concelebration in England and Wales
- Funerals: a guide (pdf)
- Order of Christian Funerals — Resources
- Guide to Rites
- Guidelines for Offerings
- Leading the Prayer of God’s People – Liturgical Presiding for Priests and Laity
a document of the Association of National Liturgy Secretaries of Europe- A4 document (pdf)
- A5 booklet (pdf
- Leaflets for Liturgical Ministers
- Prayers of Blessing for Liturgical and Pastoral Ministers (pdf)
- Preliminary Syllabus for the Formation of Church Musicians
- Celebrating the Paschal Mystery — A Syllabus for Liturgical Formation
- Roman Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest (pdf)
- Guidelines for the Production of one-off Service sheets (pdf)
- Liturgy Review Process (pdf)
- Redemptionis Sacramentum — A Summary Guide