Liturgy Office | Worship of the Eucharist

Worship of the Eucharist

In 2004 Pope John Paul II declared a Year of the Eucharist which ran from October 2004 to October 2005 in preparation for the Synod on the Eucharist in October 2005. This page includes some of the material which was prepared for that year and is suitable for ongoing use.

Resources for Adoremus National Pilgrimage and Congress

Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist
outside Mass

Ritual EditionsJohn Neale
2 Volume set
Volume 1 – Rites0-9543-0315-6
Volume 2 – Biblical readings0-00-599607-4

Resources for Exposition

Exposition of the Holy Eucharist
— a guide for celebration

A guide to the celebration of Exposition

a short guide to the rite of Exposition

Exposition of the Holy Eucharist — Music

A guide to the rite for musicians with music suggestions.

Services of Exposition

Holy Hours on themes from the Cycle of Prayer

Themes are drawn from the Cycle of Prayer. The leaflets contain material for use in a Service of Exposition.

The centre pages can be copied onto A5, back to back, as aid to personal prayer and reflection before the Blessed Sacrament.

  1. The Harvest of Faith (pdf)
    (especially in October – November)
  2. Openness to the Word of God
    Migrants & Refugees
    (especially in December – January)
  3. The Communion of the Church (pdf)
    (especially in January – February)
  4. The Growth of the Church (pdf)
    (especially in March – April)
  5. Sharing in the life of the Lord (pdf)
    (especially in May – June)
  6. Alive in Christ (pdf)
    (especially in July – August)
  7. Thanksgiving (pdf)
    (especially in September – October)

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord

This material was first prepared for the Solemnity in 2005.