For many couples choosing the music will be among the most rewarding parts of the preparation. Music can help express the joy of the celebration; it can move the heart and bring people into communion. In our contemporary culture it is also very much part of our identity — my musical choices says something about who I am.
The wedding liturgy can have either a lot of music or just enough. For some a few well-chosen pieces will be enough; for others they will have a long list of favourites they wish to find space for. For some couples the challenge will be one of familiarity of appropriate music either for themselves or friends and family — choosing music that people will know. The organist or music director will be able to advise and guide couples.
A useful resource for both couples and musicians will be sites like YouTube where you can find recordings of hymsn adn pieces being considered.
Rather than consider the music in the order of the liturgy this will consider the four types of music you may choose. In ‘A walkthrough the liturgy’ the music is highlighted in the order of the liturgy. Finally the question of using ‘Secular Music’ is considered and why it may not find its home in the liturgy.