Liturgy Resources | Syllabus for Lay Ministers

Syllabus for the Formation
of Lay Liturgical Ministers


There are 5 Modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Liturgy
  3. Understanding Ministry
  4. Developing the Particular Ministry
  5. Understanding and Developing Spirituality


Initially content is offered for the following particular ministries:

  • Readers
  • Lay Commissioned Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Musicians
  • Servers
  • Liturgy of the Word with Children
  • Leaders of Prayer



This Syllabus is designed to support dioceses in their work of liturgical formation. It is intended to provide both initial training for lay liturgical ministers in the introductory and encourage ministers to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the liturgy and their role.

The idea that formation for lay ministry is done by different groups of ministers together is not only practical and suggests that they should be offered a common level of formation but it is also a reminder of the collaborative nature of the liturgy itself.

Though the total number of learning hours comes to 75 it is intended that the Introductory module of 15 hours should provide enough formation for a person to begin to minister in the parish liturgy. It is even recognised that for some ministers that amount of formation is enough but it is hoped that others will go on to the further modules. Module A not only provides this initial formation but also offers an introduction to the further four modules. It is suggested that modules B & C on the liturgy and on ministry will provide a necessary foundation to modules D & E.

What is offered in this document is the core of the Syllabus: a summary of the content and an indication of session plans. Further work is being done to provide a range resources to assist both leaders and participants bring the Syllabus to life. The possibility of formal accreditation is also being explored.

This Syllabus is a project of the Formation Subcommittee of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. The Subcommittee acknowledges the assistance of the network of diocesan liturgy contacts in commenting on the Syllabus and in particular the dioceses of Arundel & Brighton, Hexham & Newcastle and Shrewsbury for running the pilot Modules.

The Department for Christian Life and Worship approved Syllabus in September 2009.

Anyone interested in using the Syllabus should contact the Liturgy Office.

Background Note

This Syllabus is built on the foundations of earlier Syllabus projects of the Department: