Liturgy Office | Resources for Liturgy Preparation Groups

Resources for Liturgy Preparation

Many of the resources on the Liturgy Office website will be of assistance to those involved in Liturgy Preparation. This page includes some specific resources together with links to sections of the website that may be helpful.

Liturgy Preparation

General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Many of the resources which have been prepared for the General Instruction and Celebrating the Mass, including In Communion with Christ and With Hearts and Minds, will be of interest to groups. There is also the following specific material:


The resources for the Liturgical Year will be helpful.

The following specific material is available:

Liturgical Seasons

There is a page for each of the seasons of the liturgical year bringing together information from across the website. There is a separate document designed for liturgy preparation groups for each season which includes relevant quotations from liturgical documents togetehr with am overview of the Lectionary.

Cycle of Prayer

Material is available to assist parishes mark the Cycle of Prayer. This includes general material as well ideas for each intention on the seasonal pages.


Material relating to the celebration of Sacraments and other rites and liturgies is collected here

Specific material for Liturgy Preparation Groups: