Liturgy Office | 25 January 2009

Sunday 25 January 2009

imageThe Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has given permission that on Sunday 25 January 2009 in every church one Mass may celebrated using the texts of Conversion of St Paul as a way of marking the Year of St Paul. For the second reading the text would be taken from the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (which the Mass would replace) the Creed would also be recited.

The text of the decree can be found on the website of the Congregation

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Preface of Sundays in Ordinary Time
Psalter Week 3
Year B
Reading 1Jon 3:1-5, 10The people of Nineveh renounce their evil behaviour.
PsalmPs 24:4-9 r. 4Lord, make me know your ways.
Reading 21 Cor 7:29-31The world as we know it is passing away.
Gospel AcclamationMark 1:15The kingdom of God is close at hand; believe the Good News.
GospelMark 1:14-20Repent and believe the Good News.

The Conversion of St Paul — 25 January

Preface of the Apostles I or II
Reading 1Acts 22:3-16It is time you were baptised and had your sins washed away while invoking the name of Jesus.

Reading 1
Acts 9:1-22Lord, what will you have me do?
PsalmPs 116:1-2 r. Mk 16:15Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News
Reading 21 Cor 7:29-31The world as we know it is passing away.
Gospel Acclamationcf. John 15:16I chose you from the world, to go out and to bear fruit,

fruit that will last says the Lord.
GospelMark 16:15–18Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.