Liturgy Office | Magazine Subscription Service

Liturgy Office | Magazine Subscription Service

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Magazine Subscription Service

There are a wide range of English-language liturgical publications available from around the world. These address a variety of needs, some entirely pastoral, others much more academic in their approach. They have proven themselves to be of great value in assisting clergy and other liturgical ministers to deepen their understanding of the liturgy, and helping them to develop their ministerial skills.

However English and Welsh subscribers often have been put off taking out subscriptions to such magazines because of the difficulty and expense of making payment to overseas publishers.

The Liturgy Office is now offering a one-stop subscription service for a range of publications from Australia and the United States. Payment is made by subscribers to the Liturgy Office by cheque in Pounds Sterling, and we do the rest.

Subscriptions in all cases run from January to December.

Magazine Subscription Service 2009

  • Order Form (pdf)
  • Order Form (Word doc)

Magazine details

Journals of liturgical Interest
originating in England and Ireland